Thursday, November 29, 2007

What a difference less than 24hrs can make

Life's too short to mope. Shit don't always go the way you want it to... so what. There's a rack of bad shit going on... and yet i'm still alive:

I got rejected for a job this morning. That sucked.
I had to clean up cat vomit today
I spilled red wine on the carpet
I thought I had lost a tupperware container with some food still in it... it was in my trunk
Dropped 4 hair things into the toilet
Put on a shirt and IMMEDIATELY spilled something on it
Got finals comin up and i'm not ready...

i could go on, but what's the point? Bad shit happens. It's a part of life. I could be all stressed out and crazy, or i can keep it moving. *THAT* needs to be my new mantra.


E said...

*plays Tribe's "K.I.M"* thats how i make it through every day at work... but you already know what i deal with. stressing the little shit is for suckas... i can't do that any more, so i just keep it movin... :)

filthygomez said...
