Thursday, January 24, 2008

This is my life

If i NEVER see another box again it will be too soon. I am literally surrounded by them. I am happy to say that my kitchen is, for the most part, big enough to house most of them... but that means that I haven't been able to cook. You win some and you lose some I suppose (see yesterday's entry).

At any rate, I hope to get things settled this weekend. With the new tv i'd like to be able to watch the superbowl and eat some snacks prepared in my new kitchen. I'm not sure how much I'll get done though because I have a TON going on. Work, internship, ALR paper, unpacking, cleaning, car to the shop, etc etc.

Here's some pics that I think are pretty dandy:

ignore the eye booger... he's a sexy beast

Ikea is NOT for the squeamish

*THIS* is my kitchen :(

At least he has a neat place to eat

Did i mention the boxes?

If you look closely you can see the stove

no words

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