Thursday, December 20, 2007

2007 is almost over

my 32nd bday is *right* around the corner.

2007 has been an amazing year. I've excelled at work, school, life, love, just in general. I'm happy and i honestly enjoy my life. I've worked hard and watched some very important projects come to fruition. I knew i wanted to be make Law Review... did that. I've been trying to get this show on XM for what seems like a million years... it's been greenlighted. I wanted to spend time in San Fran... did it and managed to drive cross country too... Landed two law-related jobs for next year, paid off a significant chunk of debt... it's just a good feeling.

2008 looks like it could be more of the same. 3 semesters left of law school, another summer in san francisco... i dunno... just a lot going on. Now don't get me wrong, I've had some MAJOR stumbling blocks but i ain't dwellin on that shit. It's just too taxing.

I'm realizing that no matter how much i try to deny it, my parents' health is fading. I've been spending a lot of time trying to pull together family records and information because once they're gone so does just about all of my ties to the rest of the family. It bothers me a lot that I'm just realizing how important it is for me to learn more about my family. I used to just think that as long as i had my parents, siblings and their families, it was enough but now i want to know everything. Hopefully I'll be able to pull a bunch of stuff together for them

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