Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Just a few things

so... I'm stressed, overwhelmed and generally frustrated. But, I'm still here. I have a buncha stuff on my plate but i'm plodding along. For the most part though, things are good. I'm currently searching for a church to join. I'm kinda torn on the topic. I mean I consider myself very spiritual, but not particularly religious. My science mind tells me this is really all there is, but my heart (and several years of brainwa... er conditioning) tell me that there is a supreme being of some sort that watches over us. At any rate, i've been talking to that being... asking to be brought back to the church and interestingly enough I got my "calling". My best friend, mom of three of the most beautiful kids in the world, has asked me to be a Godmother, but in order to do that, I need to be a member of a church (gotcha, bitch!). So, yeah, I'm working on that. I'm also doing something else that's really important but i don't want to talk about for fear of jinxing myself. I'll know for sure on 2/9.

What else? Oh... Monie Love taped her first XM show yesterday. I wasn't there for the taping but i couldn't be happier. It's hard to believe that my annoyance/perserverance (and hers) has paid off.

It's also almost Lent and i've been trying my best to figure out what to give up. I'm not quite sure yet, but i've got a few hours to pick something.

I think that's about it.

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